Wichita Warriors
High School Girls 2006-2008
This team is for girls born on or after January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2009.
This team's primary practice location will be Maize South High School and the Stryker Soccer facility.
This team is made up of high School aged girls who are looking to develop their skills and possibly play soccer after High School. This team trains and plays soccer all year long but also has many multi-sport athletes. Summer and Winter training and soccer activities are optional but provided for those who want to participate. Our goal is to develop and continually grow a core group of girl soccer players who play at the highest competitive levels together through high school. This team is dedicated to soccer and the Wichita Warriors FC.
We train and play year round while allowing for multisport athletes. The Fall season is played at WRSA in Wichita, KS with several travel tournaments. The Spring Season is for High School Soccer. Winters are spent playing indoor in Wichita. Summers are dedicated to short-sided tournaments and training.
We believe in the physical and mental benefits of kids playing multiple sports and work with players and parents accordingly to minimize schedule conflicts. The players are not punished for their participation in sports or other extra-curricular activities.
Head Coach:
Andrew Best